Monday, March 10, 2025
'We must put ourselves in the position of the subject who tries to find his way in this world, and we must remember, first of all, that the environment by which he is influenced and to which he adapts himself is his world, not the objective world of science.'

W.I. Thomas
F. Znaniecki

 Index of Authors

The list of all Authors and their articles published in Qualitative Sociology Review (in alphabetical order)

Adkins, Barbara & Eryn Grant
'Backpackers as a Community of Strangers: The Interaction Order of an Online Backpacker Notice Board' (volume III issue 2)

Ahponen, Pirkkoliisa
'Precariousness of everyday heroism. A biographical approach to life politics'
(volume I issue 2)

Åkerström, Malin
'Curiosity and Serendipity in Qualitative Research '
(volume IX issue 2)

Åkerström, Malin and Jacobsson, Katarina
'Expressing and Examining Morality in Everyday Life: Social Comparisons among Swedish Parents of Deaf Children'
(volume V issue 2)

Allen-Collinson, Jacquelyn
'Intimate Intrusions Revisited: A Case of Intimate Partner Abuse and Violations of the Territories of the Self' (volume V issue 1)

Al-Saggaf, Yeslam and Kirsty Williamson
'Doing ethnography from within a constructivist paradigm to explore virtual communities in Saudi Arabia' (volume II issue 2)

Andersen, Niels Åkerstrøm
'Creating the Client Who Can Create Himself and His Own Fate – the Tragedy of the Citizens’ Contract' (volume III issue 2)

Arnold, Bruce
'Anticipatory Dying: Reflections Upon End of Life Experiences in a Thai Buddhist Hospice' (volume II issue 2)
'How does it feel to be a problem? The Diasporic Identity of the Homeless' (volume IX issue 1)

Asadi, Muhammed
'CONSTRUCTING GLOBAL ‘WARS WITHOUT END': Vocabularies of Motive and the Structure of Permanent War' (volume VII issue 3)

Arxer, Steven L.
'The Life Course Metaphor: Implications for Biography and Interpretive Research' (volume VI issue 1)

Atkinson, Paul
'Ethnography and Craft Knowledge' (volume IX issue 2)

Austin, Mark D.
'Ritual and Boundary Distinction in a Recreational Community: A Case Study of Motorcycle Rallies and Riders' (volume V issue 2)

Baccam, Tristine P. and Kawecka Nenga, Sandy
'Stealing Peanuts and Coercing Energy Drinks: The Underground Economy of a Middle School Summer Camp' (volume VI issue 2)

Becker, Howard S. and Marie Buscatto
'Editorial introduction: Special Issue – Ethnographies of Artistic Work'
(volume III issue 3)

Bell, Andrew J.
'"Oh yes, I remember it well!" Reflections on Using the Life-Grid in Qualitative Interviews with Couples' (volume I issue 1)

Belgrave, Linda L.
'The Life Course Metaphor: Implications for Biography and Interpretive Research' (volume VI issue 1)

Ben-Shir, Deborah
'Born to Write: Discovery and Construction of Self in the Identity Stories of Poets and Writers' (volume IV issue 1)

Bense Ferreira Aloes, Celia
'Staging the Social Drama of Work: Ethnography of a Theater Company as a Means of Analyzing Theater Activity' (volume III issue 3)

Berard, Tim J.
'Evaluative Categories of Action and Identity in Non-Evaluative Human Studies Research: Examples from Ethnomethodology' (volume I issue 1)

'Extending hate crime legislation to include gender: Explicating an analogical method of advocacy' (volume I issue 2)

Borell, Lena and Gunnarsson, Nina Veetnisha and Hemmingsson, Helena and Hydén, Lars-Christer
'Managing Family Relations and Controlling Information While Supporting an Allergic Child' (volume IX issue 3)

Brandão, Ana Maria
'"I’ve found more difficulties than I expected to": Raising questions from field experience' (volume V issue 3)

Bruckert, Chris and Munn, Melissa
'Beyond Conceptual Ambiguity: Exemplifying the "Resistance Pyramid" Through the Reflections of (Ex) Prisoners’ Agency' (volume VI issue 2)

Burk, Matthew and Prus, Robert
'Ethnographic Trailblazers: Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon'
(volume VI issue 3)

Buscatto, Marie
'Contributions of Ethnography to Gendered Sociology. The French Jazz World' (volume III issue 3)

'Who Allowed You to Observe? A Reflexive Overt Organizational Ethnography' (volume IV issue 3)

Byczkowska, Dominika
'What do we study studying body? Researcher’s attempts to embodiment research' (volume V issue 3)

Camara, Fatima and Prus, Robert
'Love, Friendship, and Disaffection in Plato and Aristotle: Toward a Pragmatist Analysis of Interpersonal Relationships'
(volume VI issue 3)

Carlin, Andrew
'"Rose's Gloss": Considerations of Natural Sociology and Ethnography in Practice' (volume II issue 3)

Carr, Dawn C.
'A New Paradigm for Qualitative Research in the United States: The Era of the Third Age' (volume VI issue 1)

Chalvon-Demersay, Sabine
'Des personnages de si près tenus, TV Fiction and Moral Consensus' (volume III issue 3)

Chen, Elaina Y. and Chen, Sheying and Sévigny, Robert
'Explanatory Models of Illness and Psychiatric Rehabilitation: A Clinical Sociology Approach' (volume VI issue 3)

Chen, Sheying and Chen, Elaina Y. and Sévigny, Robert
'Explanatory Models of Illness and Psychiatric Rehabilitation: A Clinical Sociology Approach' (volume VI issue 3)

Chenr, Sheying
'Qualitative Research and Aging in Context: Implications to Social Policy Study in China ' (volume VI issue 1)

Coetzee, Jan K. and Vice, Amy and Rau, Asta
'Narrating student life in a time of risk'
(volume VI issue 3)

'Narrating Memory: Weighing up the Testimony'
(volume VII issue 3)

Cook, Ian G.
'Comparative Aging and Qualitative Theorizing ' (volume VI issue 1)

Dej, Erin and M. Kilty, Jennifer
'Anchoring Amongst the Waves: Discursive Constructions of Motherhood and Addiction' (volume VIII issue 3)

Dhar, Rajib Lochan
'Cynicism in the Indian I.T. Organizations: An Exploration of the Employees' Perspectives' (volume V issue 1)

Dorri, Roqaia Ahmed and Nikaiin, Behi (Behrokh) and Donnelly, Tam and Nazir, Nahrida and Mohammad, Ambreen and Petal, Nish
'Contextual Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Practices Among Arab Women in the State of Qatar' (volume IX issue 3)

Donnelly, Tam and Nikaiin, Behi (Behrokh) and Nazir, Nahrida and Dorri, Roqaia Ahmed and Mohammad, Ambreen and Petal, Nish
'Contextual Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Practices Among Arab Women in the State of Qatar' (volume IX issue 3)

Dupret, Baudouin
'Morality on Trial: Structure and Intelligibility System of a Court Sentence Concerning Homosexuality' (volume II issue 2)

Etoroma, Efa E.
'At Home in Blackness: How I Became Black ' (volume VI issue 2)

Felices-Luna, Maritza
'Anti-establishment Armed Groups as Total Institutions: Exploring Transformations of the Self' (volume VII issue 1)

Fong, Jack
'American Social "Reminders" of Citizenship after September 11, 2001: Nativisms and the Retractability of American Identity' (volume IV issue 1)

Follesø, Reidun and Hanssen, Jorid Krane
'Narrative Approaches as a Supplementary Source of Knowledge on Marginalized Groups' (volume VI issue 2)

Franklin, Adrian, Michael Emmison, Donna Haraway and Max Travers
'Investigating the therapeutic benefits of companion animals: Problems and challenges' (volume III issue 1)

Furst, Gennifer
'Without words to get in the way: Symbolic interaction in prison-based animal programs' (volume III issue 1)

Gajdosova, Jaroslava
'Literary Field and the Question of Method – Revisited' (volume IV issue 2)

Garner, Mark W.J.
'Students’ Conceptions—and Misconceptions—of Social Research' (volume V issue 3)

Gawley, Tim
'Revisiting Trust in Symbolic Interaction: Presentations of Trust Development in University Administration' (volume III issue 2)

Gazso, Amber and Ricciardelli, Rosemary
'Investigating Threat Perception Among Correctional Officers in the Canadian Provincial Correctional System' (volume IX issue 3)

Gibert, Marie-Pierre
'The Intricacies of Being Israeli and Yemenite. An Ethnographic Study of Yemenite 'Ethnic' Dance Companies in Israel' (volume III issue 3)

Gibson, Barry, Jane Gregory and Peter G Robinson
'The intersection between systems theory and grounded theory: The emergence of the grounded systems observer' (volume I issue 2)

Gillies, Val and Rosalind Edwards
'A Qualitative Analysis of Parenting and Social Capital: Comparing the Work of Coleman and Bourdieu' (volume II issue 2)

Given, John
'Narrating the Digital Turn: data deluge, technomethodology, and other likely tales' (volume II issue 1)

Gobo, Giampietro
'Crafting Blindness: Its Organizational Construction in a First Grade School' (volume IV issue 1)

Grimaud, Emmanuel
'The Film in Hand. Modes of Coordination and Assisted Virtuosity in the Bombay Film Studios' (volume III issue 3)

Grishakova, Marina and Margarita Kazjulja
'Social Risks and Challenges of the Post-Socialist Transition Period in Estonia: Analysis of Biographical Narratives' (volume IV issue 2)

Guittar, Nicholas A.
'The Meaning of Coming Out: From Self-Affirmation to Full Disclosure' (volume IX issue 3)

Gunnarsson, Nina Veetnisha and Hemmingsson, Helena and Hydén, Lars-Christer and Borell, Lena
'Managing Family Relations and Controlling Information While Supporting an Allergic Child' (volume IX issue 3)

Hackstaff, Karla B.
'"Turning Points" for Aging Genealogists: Claiming Identities And Histories in Time' (volume V issue 1)

Hanssen, Jorid Krane and Follesø, Reidun
'Narrative Approaches as a Supplementary Source of Knowledge on Marginalized Groups' (volume VI issue 2)

Hardnack, Chris
'More than an Activist: Identity Competition and Participation in a Revolutionary Socialist Organization' (volume VII issue 2)

Hemmingsson, Helena and Gunnarsson and Nina Veetnisha Hydén, Lars-Christer and Borell, Lena
'Managing Family Relations and Controlling Information While Supporting an Allergic Child' (volume IX issue 3)

Herbrik, Regine
'Analyzing Emotional Styles in the Field of Christian Religion and the Relevance of New Types of Visualization' (volume VIII issue 2)

Hirvonen, Pasi
'Positioning in an Interprofessional Team Meeting: Examining Positioning Theory as a Methodological Tool for Micro-Cultural Group Studies' (volume IX issue 4)

Hobson-West, Pru
'Beasts and boundaries: An introduction to animals in sociology, science and society' (volume III issue 1)

Hoel Felde, Lina
'Elevated Cholesterol as Biographical Work – Expanding the Concept of 'Biographical Disruption'' (volume VII issue 2)

Holland, Curtis
'An Empirical Analysis of the Structuration of American Ideologies About Economic Justice' (volume IX issue 4)

Holmes, Mary
'The Loves of Others: Autoethnography and Reflexivity in Researching Distance Relationships' (volume VI issue 2)

van den Hoonaard, Deborah K.
'Telling the Collective Story: Symbolic Interactionism in Narrative Research' (volume IX issue 3)

Hurst, Allison L.
'Telling Tales of Oppression and Dysfunction: Narratives of Class Identity Reformation' (volume III issue 2)

Hydén, Lars-Christer
'Narratives in Illness: A Methodological Note' (volume IV issue 3)

Hydén, Lars-Christer and Gunnarsson, Nina Veetnisha and Hemmingsson, Helena and Borell, Lena
'Managing Family Relations and Controlling Information While Supporting an Allergic Child' (volume IX issue 3)

Irvine, Leslie
'The question of animal selves: Implications for sociological knowledge and practice' (volume III issue 1)

Inhetveen, Katharina
'Translation Challenges: Qualitative Interviewing in a Multi-Lingual Field' (volume VIII issue 2)

Isański, Jakub and Leszkowicz, Mateusz
'"Keeping up with the Joneses." A sociological content analysis of advertising catalogues with the eye-tracking method' (volume VII issue 2)

Jacobsson, Katarina
'We can’t just do it any which way” – Objectivity Work among Swedish Prosecutors' (volume IV issue 1)

Jacobsson, Katarina and Åkerström, Malin
'Expressing and Examining Morality in Everyday Life: Social Comparisons among Swedish Parents of Deaf Children'
(volume V issue 2)

Janák, Dušan
'Social Introspection of I. A. Bláha and Wittgenstein’s’ Argument Counter to Private Language. Anniversary Study on Introspection Approach in Social Sciences' (volume VI issue 2)

Jerolmack, Colin
'Animal archeology: Domestic pigeons and the nature-culture dialectic ' (volume III issue 1)

Jones, Kip
'A Biographic Researcher in Pursuit of an Aesthetic: The use of arts-based (re)presentations in "performative" dissemination of life stories' (volume II issue 1)

Kawecka Nenga, Sandy and Baccam, Tristine P.
'Stealing Peanuts and Coercing Energy Drinks: The Underground Economy of a Middle School Summer Camp' (volume VI issue 2)

Kawulich, Barbara
'Students’ Conceptions—and Misconceptions—of Social Research' (volume V issue 3)

Keller, Reiner
'Entering Discourses: A New Agenda for Qualitative Research and Sociology of Knowledge' (volume VIII issue 2)

Kenedy, Robert A.
'Researching the Intersection between Collective Identity and Conceptions of Post-separation and Divorced Fatherhood: A Case Study. Fathers For Justice, Fathers For Just Us, or Fathers are Us?' (volume II issue 2)

Khiat , Henry
'Secondary Adjustment in Prisons: Prisoners’ Strategies of Influence' (volume VI issue 2)

Kilty, Jennifer M. and Dej, Erin
'Anchoring Amongst the Waves: Discursive Constructions of Motherhood and Addiction' (volume VIII issue 3)

Kleinknecht, Steven
'An interview with Robert Prus: His Career, Contributions, and Legacy as an Interactionist Ethnographer and Social Theorist' (volume III issue 2)

Konecki, Krzysztof T.
'The Problem of Symbolic Interaction and of Constructing Self' (volume I issue 1)

'Pets of Konrad Lorenz. Theorizing in the social world of pet' owners'
(volume III issue 1)

'Grounded Theory and Serendipity. Natural History of a Research' (volume IV issue 1)

'Triangulation and Dealing with the Realness of Qualitative Research ' (volume IV issue 3)

'Teaching Visual Grounded Theory ' (volume V issue 3)

Kosmala, Katarzyna
'Insights From Ricoeur's Hermeneutics on Best Pactice in Professional Service Firms: On Perpetual Myth Creation?' (volume I issue 1)

Kozin, Alexander
'The Body Artist. An Experience of the Sur-Real in the Context of the Embodied and Aesthetic Abnormality' (volume II issue 2)

Krahn, Elizabeth
'Transcending the "Black Raven": An Autoethnographic and Intergenerational Exploration of Stalinist Oppression' (volume IX issue 3)

Krasni, Jan
'Visualizing the Unseen: Depicting the Abstract in German Media' (volume VIII issue 2)

Kusenbach, Margarethe and Loseke, Donileen R.
'Bringing the Social Back in: Some Suggestions for the Qualitative Study of Emotions' (volume IX issue 2)

Leszkowicz, Mateusz and Isański, Jakub
'"Keeping up with the Joneses." A sociological content analysis of advertising catalogues with the eye-tracking method' (volume VII issue 2)

Loftus, Jeni and Namaste, Paul
'Expectant Mothers: Women’s Infertility and the Potential Identity of Biological Motherhood' (volume VII issue 1)

Loodin, Henrik
'The Absurdalities of Mental Illness – A Narrative Inquiry Into Psychiatric Diagnosis'(volume V issue 1)

Loseke, Donileen R.
'Keynote Address: Empirically Exploring Narrative Productions of Meaning in Public Life' (volume IX issue 3)

Loseke, Donileen R. and Kusenbach, Margarethe
'Bringing the Social Back in: Some Suggestions for the Qualitative Study of Emotions' (volume IX issue 2)

Luckmann, Thomas
'The Communicative Construction of Reality and Sequential Analysis. A Personal Reminiscence' (volume IX issue 2)

Malo, Enrico Mora
'Perform Strikes. A Case Study' (volume V issue 1)

Manning, Lydia K.
'A New Paradigm for Qualitative Research in the United States: The Era of the Third Age' (volume VI issue 1)

McNeil, Lori L.
'Applying Institutional Ethnography to Childcare' (volume IV issue 1)

Milman, Noriko and Jerome Rabow
'Identifying with the Role of "Other": "The Pink Triangle Experiment" Revisited' (volume II issue 2)

Mitchell, Richard C.
'Grounded Theory and Autopoietic Social Systems: Are They Methodologically Compatible?' (volume III issue 2)

Mitchell, Richard G. Jr. and Prus, Robert
'Engaging Technology: A Missing Link in the Sociological Study of Human Knowing and Acting ' (volume V issue 2)

Mulej, Lucija
'Construction of Scientific Facts – Why is Relativism Essential in Bypassing Incommensurable Gaps in Humanities. Case of Personal Involvement – Biased Scientific Facts' (volume IV issue 1)

Munn, Melissa and Bruckert, Chris
'Beyond Conceptual Ambiguity: Exemplifying the “Resistance Pyramid” Through the Reflections of (Ex) Prisoners’ Agency' (volume VI issue 2)

Murgia, Annalisa
'"Flexible narratives" Discursive Positionings of Gender and Identity in Precarious Times' (volume VII issue 1)

Murphy, John W.
'The Life Course Metaphor: Implications for Biography and Interpretive Research' (volume VI issue 1)

Mohammad, Ambreen and Nikaiin, Behi (Behrokh) and Donnelly, Tam and Nazir, Nahrida and Dorri, Roqaia Ahmed and Petal Nish
'Contextual Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Practices Among Arab Women in the State of Qatar' (volume IX issue 3)

Moore, Wendy Leo & Jennifer Pierce
'Still Killing Mockingbirds: Narratives of Race and Innocence in Hollywood’s Depiction of the White Messiah Lawyer' (volume III issue 2)

Mortelmans, Dimitri and Verheyen, Wendy
'Dyadic View on the Post-separation Network of Single Mothers' (volume VII issue 3)

Nam, Sang-hui
'The Construction of Self-Identity in the Chronically Mentally Ill: A Focus On Autobiographic Narratives of Mentally Ill Patients in South Korea' (volume IV issue 1)

Namaste, Paul and Loftus, Jeni
'Expectant Mothers: Women’s Infertility and the Potential Identity of Biological Motherhood' (volume VII issue 1)

Nazir, Nahrida and Nikaiin, Behi (Behrokh) and Donnelly, Tam and Dorri, Roqaia Ahmed and Mohammad, Ambreen and Petal, Nish
'Contextual Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Practices Among Arab Women in the State of Qatar' (volume IX issue 3)

Neiterman, Elena
'Constructing and Deconstructing Teen Pregnancy as a Social Problem' (volume VII issue 3)

Nelson, Adie and Nelson, Veronica
'Reconceptualizing Dreamwork (with apologies to Lewis Carroll’s Alice) as a Facet of Motherwork' (volume VI issue 2)

Nelson, Adie and Nelson, Veronica
'"Hey Mitch-elle, you need a shave!": The school days of hirsute adolescents' (volume VI issue 3)

Nelson, Veronica and Nelson, Adie
'Reconceptualizing Dreamwork (with apologies to Lewis Carroll’s Alice) as a Facet of Motherwork' (volume VI issue 2)

Nelson, Veronica and Nelson, Adie
'"Hey Mitch-elle, you need a shave!": The school days of hirsute adolescents' (volume VI issue 3)

Nikaiin, Behi (Behrokh) and Donnelly, Tam and Nazir, Nahrida and Dorri, Roqaia Ahmed and Mohammad, Ambreen and Petal, Nish
'Contextual Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Practices Among Arab Women in the State of Qatar' (volume IX issue 3)

Noy, Chaim
'Authenticating Tourists: The Politics of Authenticity in a National Heritage Site in Israel ' (volume V issue 1)

Nugus, Peter
'The Interactionist Self and Grounded Research: Reflexivity in a Study of Emergency Department Clinicians' (volume IV issue 1)

Nutch, Frank
'The 35mm Solution: Photography, Scientists, and Whales' (volume II issue 2)

'On Cooling the Tourist Out. Notes on the Management of Spoiled Expectations' (volume III issue 2)

O’Connor, Erin
'The Centripetal Force of Expression: Drawing Embodied Histories into Glassblowing' (volume III issue 3)

O'Neill, Maggie and Ramaswami Harindranath
'Theorising narratives of exile and belonging: the importance of Biography and Ethno-mimesis in "understanding" asylum' (volume II issue 1)

Pearce, Caroline
'World Interrupted: An Autoethnographic Exploration into the Rupture of Self and Family Narratives Following the Onset of Chronic Illness and the Death of a Mother' (volume IV issue 1)

Pereira, Anabela
'Body, Possibility and Biographical Interpretation' (volume VIII issue 3)

Petal, Nish and Nikaiin, Behi (Behrokh) and Donnelly, Tam and Nazir, Nahrida and Dorri, Roqaia Ahmed and Mohammad, Ambreen
'Contextual Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Practices Among Arab Women in the State of Qatar' (volume IX issue 3)

Phellas, Constantinos
'Cypriot gay men's accounts of negotiating cultural and sexual identity: A qualitative study' (volume I issue 2)

Powell, Jason L.
'Researching Aging and Comparative Reflections ' (volume VI issue 1)

Prus, Robert
'In Defense of Knowing, In Defense of Doubting: Cicero Engages Totalizing Skepticism, Sensate Materialism, and Pragmatist Realism in Academica'
(volume II issue 3)

'Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics: Laying the Foundations for a Pragmatist Consideration of Human Knowing and Acting'
(volume III issue 2)

'On the Pragmatics and Problematics of Defining Beauty and Character: The Greek Poet Lucian (120-200) Engages Exacting Portraitures and Difficult Subjects'
(volume IV issue 1)

'Aristotle’s Rhetoric: A Pragmatist Analysis of Persuasive Interchange'
(volume IV issue 2)

'Poetic Expression and Human Enacted Realities: Plato and Aristotle Engage Pragmatist Motifs in Greek Fictional Representations '
(volume V issue 1)

'Creating, Sustaining, and Contesting Definitions of Reality: Marcus Tullius Cicero as a Pragmatist Theorist and Analytic Ethnographer'
(volume VI issue 2)

'Defending Education and Scholarship in the Classical Greek Era: Pragmatist Motifs in the Works of Plato and Isocrates'
(volume VII issue 1)

'Morality, Deviance, and Regulation: Pragmatist Motifs in Plato's Republic and Laws'
(volume VII issue 2)

'Religion, Platonist Dialectics, and Pragmatist Analysis: Marcus Tullius Cicero’s Contributions to the Philosophy and Sociology of Divine and Human Knowing'
(volume VII issue 3)

'Representing, Defending, and Questioning Religion: Pragmatist Sociological Motifs in Plato’s Timaeus, Phaedo, Republic, and Laws'
(volume IX issue 1)

'Love, Despair, and Resiliency: Ovid’s Contributions to an Interactionist Analysis of Intimate Relations' (volume IX issue 3)

'Generating, Intensifying, and Redirecting Emotionality: Conceptual and Ethnographic Implications of Aristotle’s Rhetoric' (volume IX issue 4)

Prus, Robert and Mitchell, Richard G. Jr.
'Engaging Technology: A Missing Link in the Sociological Study of Human Knowing and Acting'
(volume V issue 2)

Prus, Robert and Burk, Matthew
'Ethnographic Trailblazers: Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon'
(volume VI issue 3)

Prus, Robert and Camara, Fatima
'Love, Friendship, and Disaffection in Plato and Aristotle: Toward a Pragmatist Analysis of Interpersonal Relationships'
(volume VI issue 3)

Puddephatt, Antony J.
'An Interview with Kathy Charmaz: On Constructing Grounded Theory'
(volume II issue 3)

Rau, Asta and Coetzee, Jan K. and Vice, Amy
'Narrating student life in a time of risk'
(volume VI issue 3)

Rebstein, Bernd
'Videography in Migration Research – A Practical Example for the Use of an Innovative Approach'
(volume VIII issue 2)
'International Perspectives on the Future of Qualitative Research in Europe'
(volume VIII issue 2)
'Documentation of the 2010 Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods: International Perspectives on the Future of Qualitative Research in Europe'
(volume VIII issue 2)

Ricciardelli, Rosemary and Gazso, Amber
'Investigating Threat Perception Among Correctional Officers in the Canadian Provincial Correctional System' (volume IX issue 3)

Roberts, Brian and Riitta Kyllönen
'Editorial Introduction: Special Issue - Biographical Sociology'
(volume II issue 1)

Robinson, Erin E.
'Mobilizing Voices: A Discussion of Leadership in an Environmentally Contaminated Community'
(volume V issue 1)

Ryabov, Igor
'Russian Wives in America: A Sketchy Portrait'
(volume IX issue 4)

Ryen, Anne
'Wading the Field with My Key Informant: Exploring Field Relations'
(volume IV issue 3)
'"Hi, Madam, I have a small question." Teaching QM online: Guide to a successful cross-cultural master-course'
(volume V issue 3)

Saar, Ellu and Margarita Kazjulja
'Individual Planning or Adaptation: Personal Destinies of Non-Estonians in the Period of Socio-Economic Reforms of the 1990s in Estonia' (volume III issue 2)

Salter, Michael
'Through a Glass, Darkly: Representation and Power in Research on Organized Abuse' (volume IX issue 3)

Sargent, Paul
'Reluctant Role Models: Men Teachers and The Reproduction of Hegemonic Masculinity' (volume IX issue 3)

Sarpavaara, Harri
'Dionysian and Apollonian in Advertising. The Representations of Pleasure and Discipline in Finnish Television Advertisements' (volume III issue 2)

Sequeiros, Paula
'Reading in Public Libraries: Space, Reading Activities, and User Profiles' (volume IX issue 3)

Sévigny, Robert and Chen, Sheying and Chen, Elaina Y.
'Explanatory Models of Illness and Psychiatric Rehabilitation: A Clinical Sociology Approach' (volume VI issue 3)

Scheff, Thomas J.
'Concepts and Concept Formation: Goffman and Beyond' (volume II issue 3)
Schmid, Antonia
'Bridging the Gap: Image, Discourse, and Beyond – Towards a Critical Theory of Visual Representation' (volume VIII issue 2)

Schnettler, Bernt
'Vision and Performance. The Sociolinguistic Analysis of Genres and Its Application to Focussed Ethnographic Data' (volume IV issue 3)
'International Perspectives on the Future of Qualitative Research in Europe' (volume VIII issue 2)
'Documentation of the 2010 Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods: International Perspectives on the Future of Qualitative Research in Europe' (volume VIII issue 2)

Silva, Eric O.
'Levels of Disagreement Over Contested Practices' (volume IX issue 4)

Silverman, David
'What Counts as Qualitative Research? Some Cautionary Comments' (volume IX issue 2)

Soeffner, Hans-Georg and Dariuš Zifonun
'Integration – An Outline from the Perspective of the Sociology of Knowledge' (volume IV issue 2)

Strelitz, Larry
'Biography, Media Consumption, And Identity Formation' (volume IV issue 2)

Sutton, James
'An Ethnographic Account of Doing Survey Research in Prison: Descriptions, Reflections, and Suggestions from the Field' (volume VII issue 2)

Taylor, Nicola
'"Never an It": Intersubjectivity and the creation of animal personhood in animal shelters' (volume III issue 1)

Taylor, Stephanie and Karen Littleton
'Biographies in talk: A narrative-discursive research approach' (volume II issue 1)

Temple, Bogusia
'Representation across languages: biographical sociology meets translation and interpretation studies' (volume II issue 1)

Tuma, René
'The (Re)Construction of Human Conduct: "Vernacular Video Analysis"' (volume VIII issue 2)

Veikou, Mariangela
'Images of Crisis and Opportunity. A Study of African Migration to Greece' (volume IX issue 1)

Verheyen, Wendy and Mortelmans, Dimitri
'Dyadic View on the Post-separation Network of Single Mothers' (volume VII issue 3)

Vice, Amy and Coetzee, Jan K. and Rau, Asta
'Narrating student life in a time of risk'
(volume VI issue 3)

Wagner, Claire
'Students’ Conceptions—and Misconceptions—of Social Research' (volume V issue 3)

Wagner, Izabela
'Career Coupling: Career Making in the Elite World of Musicians and Scientists' (volume II issue 3)

'Coupling career fairy tale "Fascinating Sociology Class". How to teach sociology? The sociology of sociology' (volume V issue 3)

Waksler, Frances Chaput
'First Graders in a College Sociology Classroom: A Reflection ' (volume VIII issue 3)

Wästerfors, David
'Analyzing Social Ties in Total Institutions' (volume VIII issue 2)

Williams, J. Patrick
'Community, Frame of Reference, and Boundary: Three Sociological Concepts and their Relevance for Virtual Worlds Research' (volume V issue 2)

Yarbrough, Michael W.
'When Symbolic Action Fails: Illustrations from Small-Claims Court' (volume IX issue 1)

Zimmermann, Basile
'Tracing the Action of Technical Objects in an Ethnography: Vinyls in Beijing'
(volume III issue 3)

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