Monday, March 10, 2025
'We must put ourselves in the position of the subject who tries to find his way in this world, and we must remember, first of all, that the environment by which he is influenced and to which he adapts himself is his world, not the objective world of science.'

W.I. Thomas
F. Znaniecki

Qualitative Sociology Review
Volume II Issue 2

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Editorial: Article as a Process of the Quality Constructing
Lukas T. Marciniak


Doing ethnography from within a constructivist paradigm to explore virtual communities in Saudi Arabia
Yeslam Al-Saggaf
Kirsty Williamson
Anticipatory Dying: Reflections Upon End of Life Experiences in a Thai Buddhist Hospice
Bruce Arnold
A Qualitative Analysis of Parenting and Social Capital: Comparing the Work of Coleman and Bourdieu
Val Gillies
Rosalind Edwards
Identifying with the Role of "Other": "The Pink Triangle Experiment" Revisited
Noriko Milman
Jerome Rabow
Researching the Intersection between Collective Identity and Conceptions of Post-separation and Divorced Fatherhood: A Case Study. Fathers For Justice, Fathers For Just Us, or Fathers are Us?
Robert A. Kenedy
Morality on Trial: Structure and Intelligibility System of a Court Sentence Concerning Homosexuality
Baudouin Dupret
The Body Artist. An Experience of the Sur-Real in the Context of the Embodied and Aesthetic Abnormality
Alexander Kozin
The 35mm Solution: Photography, Scientists, and Whales
Frank Nutch
Author-Supplied Abstracts & Keywords

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ISSN 1733-8077, e-ISSN 1733-8077