Monday, March 10, 2025
'We must put ourselves in the position of the subject who tries to find his way in this world, and we must remember, first of all, that the environment by which he is influenced and to which he adapts himself is his world, not the objective world of science.'

W.I. Thomas
F. Znaniecki

 ESA RN20 News

Qualitative Sociology Review cooperates with the European Sociological Association (ESA), Research Network (RN) 20 Qualitative Methods (QM). Thanks to the collaboration, we are able to provide latest news from the Network which associates social researchers from all over the world. To get information about their current activity and initiatives, past and future events and project, download current Network’s Newsletter and other files available at this website.

RN20 - Qualitative Methods:


Gerben Moerman,

Lukas Marciniak,

Board 2015-2017:
Tea Torbenfeldt Bengtsson,
Florian Elliker,
Ulrike Tikvah Kissmann,
Lukas Marciniak (vice-chair),
Gerben Moerman (chair),
Izabela Wagner,

RN 20 Senior Board Members:
Paul Atkinson,
Marie Buscatto,
Jan Coetzee,
Thomas Eberle,
Uwe Flick,
Giampietro Gobo,
Jaber F Gubrium,
Christian Heath,
Katarina Jacobsson,
Krzysztof Konecki,
Ross Koppel,
Hubert Knoblauch,
Maggie Kusenbach,
Christoph Maeder,
Anssi Perakyla,
Anne Ryen,
Bernt Schnettler,
David Silverman,
Miguel Valle,
Shalva Weil,
Ruth Wodak,

ESA Elections

We would like to inform you that elections of the next Executive Board began on July5th, 2013. Voting is will end on Friday, August 30th, 2013, at 12 o’clock
We kindly remember you to vote and ask you to support two candidates from our Research network:
Anne Ryen
Krzysztof Konecki

You can access the online ballot here:

All members of ESA in good standing (those who have paid their membership fees by the time of the 11th ESA Conference in Turin, August 28th-31st, 2013) are eligible to vote for ESA’s President and for the members of the Executive Committee for the next term (2013-2015).

Prof. Krzysztof Konecki (POLAND) works at Lodz University in Poland. He has published extensively on qualitative methods and grounded theory methodology. His research interests are in the sociology of organization and management, human–non-human animal interactions, and contemporary forms of spirituality: yoga and meditation practices. He has served as a chair of ESA’s Qualitative Methods Research Network (RN20). He is now an editor-in-chief of the Qualitative Sociology Review. Moreover, he is currently a member of the Board of Polish Sociological Association and a member of the Board of the Sociological Committee of the Polish Academy of Science.

Anne Ryen (NORWAY) is Vice-Dean and Associate Professor of sociology at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Agder, Norway. She is past Vice-Chair and Chair of ESA RN20 Qualitative Methods (presiding over 16 sessions and some 100 paper presentations at ESA’s 9th Conference in Lisbon, 2009). Anne Ryen is the leader of her regional Sociological Association, and she was a member of the Scientific Committee in RC33 Logic and Methodology, which hosted 600 participants at the ISA’s 7th International Conference in Naples, 2008. She has been leader of several national and international research programmes with research interests in welfare, fringe benefits in private business, gender, cross-cultural research, and qualitative method, and is well experienced from board memberships at universities, private research organisations and businesses. In her 1st ESA Exec period she has been member of the Committee for Communications and Public Relations, the Committee for External Relations and the Committee for the ESA Policy.

Newsletter, October 2013

  We are delighted to publish the ESA’s Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods Newsletter bringing you the current events from the area of qualitative sociology!

Newsletter, September 2012

  We are delighted to publish the ESA’s Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods Newsletter bringing you the current events from the area of qualitative sociology!

Newsletter, January 2012

  We are delighted to publish the ESA’s Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods Newsletter bringing you the current events from the area of qualitative sociology!

Newsletter, September 2011

  We are delighted to publish the ESA’s Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods Newsletter bringing you the current events from the area of qualitative sociology!

Newsletter, May 2011

  We are delighted to publish the ESA’s Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods Newsletter bringing you the current events from the area of qualitative sociology!

Call For Papers:

  CFP for ESA Geneva Conference - "Social Relations in Turbulent Time", Geneva, 7-10, September 2011

Report from the Midterm Network Conference, Bayreuth 2010:

  Report on the International Conference "Innovating Qualitative Research: Challenges and Opportunities" at the University of Bayreuth

Everyday Life, Social Control and Ethnographys

         Everyday Life, Social Control and Ethnographys
July 21-24, 2011, Kassel University, Kassel, Germany

Newsletter, December 2010

  We are delighted to publish the ESA’s Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods Newsletter bringing you the current events from the area of qualitative sociology!

Conference ESA RN20 QM :

  Innovating Qualitative Research: Challenges and Opportunities. New Directions in Religion, Technology, Migration and Beyond. European Sociological Association Research Network 20 Qualitative Methods, Midterm Conference 2010, University Bayreuth, September 20–22

Call For Papers:

  Internationa Conference: Qualitative Transitions: Issues of Methodology in Central and South-East European Sociologies, Rijeka (Croatia), November 19-21, 2010

Report for the ESA RN20 QM period 2007-2009:

  Report for the European Sociological Association Research Network Qualitative Methods period 2007-2009

New Methodological Publication (2009):

The Third Edition of David Silverman book Doing Qualitative Research has just been published by Sage:

Report on ESA RN20 QM activities, Lisbon 2009:

  Report on European Sociological Association Research Network Qualitative Methods activities, Lisbon 2009

Call For Papers:

  European Sociological Association Research Network Qualitative Methods,
9th Conference, Lisbon, September 2009


  ESA RN 20 QM Newsletter May 2008

New methodological publications:

  Giampietro Gobo ‘Doing Ethnography’

Conference report:

  The ESA RN Qualitative Methods Mid-term Conference "Teaching Qualitative Methods"
University of Łódź, September 15-17, 2008

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© Qualitative Sociology Review 2005-2025
ISSN 1733-8077, e-ISSN 1733-8077