Monday, March 10, 2025
'We must put ourselves in the position of the subject who tries to find his way in this world, and we must remember, first of all, that the environment by which he is influenced and to which he adapts himself is his world, not the objective world of science.'

W.I. Thomas
F. Znaniecki

Qualitative Sociology Review
Volume III Issue 2

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Editorial introduction
Lukas T. Marciniak


Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics: Laying the Foundations for a Pragmatist Consideration of Human Knowing and Acting
Robert Prus
Revisiting Trust in Symbolic Interaction: Presentations of Trust Development in University Administration
Tim Gawley
On Cooling the Tourist Out. Notes on the Management of Spoiled Expectations
Frank Nutch
Telling Tales of Oppression and Dysfunction: Narratives of Class Identity Reformation
Allison L. Hurst
Grounded Theory and Autopoietic Social Systems: Are They Methodologically Compatible?
Richard C. Mitchell
Creating the Client Who Can Create Himself and His Own Fate – the Tragedy of the Citizens’ Contract
Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen
Individual Planning or Adaptation: Personal Destinies of Non-Estonians in the Period of Socio-Economic Reforms of the 1990s in Estonia
Ellu Saar
Margarita Kazjulja
Still Killing Mockingbirds: Narratives of Race and Innocence in Hollywood’s Depiction of the White Messiah Lawyer
Wendy Leo Moore
Jennifer Pierce
Backpackers as a Community of Strangers: The Interaction Order of an Online Backpacker Notice Board
Barbara Adkins
Eryn Grant
Dionysian and Apollonian in Advertising. The Representations of Pleasure and Discipline in Finnish Television Advertisements
Harri Sarpavaara


An interview with Robert Prus: His Career, Contributions, and Legacy as an Interactionist Ethnographer and Social Theorist
Steven Kleinknecht

Author-Supplied Abstracts & Keywords

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© Qualitative Sociology Review 2005-2025
ISSN 1733-8077, e-ISSN 1733-8077