Qualitative Sociology Review
Volume XI Issue 1
Thinking Through New Methodologies. Sounding Out the City With Teenagers
Linda O’Keeffe |
Politically Sensitive Encounters: Ethnography, Access, and the Benefits of “Hanging Out”
Brendan Ciarán Browne, Ruari-Santiago McBride |
Researching Children’s Multiple Family Relations: Social Network Maps and Life-Lines as Methods
Henna Pirskanen, Kimmo Jokinen, Kati Kallinen, Minna Harju-Veijola, Sonja Rautakorpi |
An Examination of Narratives From Women Offenders: Are Gender-Specific Reentry Efforts Needed?
Susan V. Koski, S. E. Costanza |
Service Relation and Organizational Context: A Qualitative Research at Shopping Centers
Sofia Alexandra Cruz |
The Fourth Act in Socio-Legal Scholarship: Playing With Law on the Sociological Stage
Janet McKnight |
Book Reviews:
Book Review: Yin, Robert. 2011. Doing Qualitative Research From Start to Finish. New York: Guilford Press
Seyyed-Abdolhamid Mirhosseini, Fatemeh Bagheri-Lori |
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