Qualitative Sociology Review
Volume III Issue 3
Howard S. Becker has taught sociology
at Northwestern University and the University of Washington. He is
the author of Outsiders, Art Worlds, Writing for
Social Scientists, Tricks of the Trade, and Telling
About Society. Home page: http://home.earthlink.net/~hsbecker
Contact: hsbecker@earthlink.net
Marie Buscatto is maîtresse de
conferences – H.D.R. at l'Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
and a researcher at Georges Friedmann Research Center (Paris 1 –
CNRS). She has led several intensive ethnographic surveys in modern
organizations - call centers, automobile industry, insurance
companies and distribution sector – and in the French Jazz world.
Her current main research topics are women’s difficulties to get
access and full recognition in artistic worlds and main gender
segregations at work. She also develops epistemological reflections
related to the uses and advantages of ethnography to study organized
work. Her publications include Femmes du jazz. Musicalités,
féminités, marginalisations (Paris: CNRS Editions, 2007);
“Chanteuse de jazz n’est point métier d’homme. L’accord imparfait
entre voix et instrument en France.” (Revue française de
sociologie, 44 (1): 33-60, 2003); “De la vocation artistique au
travail musical: tensions, compromis et ambivalences chez les
musiciens de jazz” (Sociologie de l’art, Opus 5: 35-56,
2004); « Des managers à la marge : la stigmatisation d’une
hiérarchie intermédiaire » (Revue française de sociologie, 43
(1): 73-98, 2002).
Contact: marie.buscatto@univ-paris1.fr
Sabine Chalvon-Demersay is
a sociologist, researcher at the French National Center for
Scientific Research (CNRS) and at the School for Higher Studies in
Social Sciences (EHESS). For the last twenty years she has been
working in media sociology and especially about television. She has
studied television professionals (TV hosts, scriptwriters,
producers), reception and audiences, and TV fiction contents. She
has worked with ethnographic observations, quantitative surveys and
in depth interviews. Among her publications on those topics: "Drôles
de stars, la télévision des animateurs", with Dominique Pasquier,
Aubier, 199O; "Mille scénarios, une enquête sur l'imagination en
temps de crise", Paris, Métailié 1994. This book has been translated
at the University of Chicago Press: "Thousand screenplays, The
French imagination in a time of crisis",1999.
Contact: chalvon@ehess.fr
Basile Zimmermann (PhD) is Maître
assistant at the Unit of Chinese Studies of the Faculty of Arts in
the University of Geneva, Switzerland. A former student in computer
music at the Institut de Musique Electroacoustique et
Informatique of Geneva, and visiting scholar at the Department
of sociology of Peking University (China), his current research and
teaching activities focus on technology issues in contemporary
Contact: basile.zimmermann@lettres.unige.ch
Emmanuel Grimaud anthropologist,
researcher at CNRS (Paris, France) and cofounder of the Artmap Group
of research (artmap-research.com). Emmanuel Grimaud has written an
extensive ethnography of the Bombay film studios where he has worked
as an assistant director (Bollywood Film Studio, Paris: CNRS
Editions, 2004). His study deals with the specificity of the Bombay
studios in terms of coordination between the different corporations
involved in the film making process and shows how these studios have
elaborated alternative models to those commonly at work in film
studio organisations. Emmanuel Grimaud has also published a portrait
of a Mahatma Gandhi's duplicate (Le sosie de Gandhi ou
l'incroyable histoire de Ram Dayal Srivastava, Paris: CNRS
Editions, 2007) and his third book deals with the world of studio
machineries, special effects supervisors and religious robotic
theatres in Bombay (Cosmic City, Paris: L'Archange Minotaure,
2007, under press).
Contact: emmanuel.grimaud@mae.u-paris10.fr
Celia Bense Ferreira Alves (PhD) is
associate professor in the English Department at Paris 8 University
where she teaches classes on the US Industrial and Service
Relations, Methodology, Translation and, US sociologists. She is
also a researcher of the GETI (a research group specialized in
School, Work and Institutions) and her interests include the study
of work relations in theater activity and service occupations. She
has launched a collective study on the perspectives of the
non-acting theater personnel in institutions of higher education to
be started in fall 2008 and is currently working on translating
Elliot Liebow’s Tally’s Corner.
Contact: celia.bense@univ-paris8.fr
Marie-Pierre Gibert (PhD) is a
research fellow at the University of Southampton (UK). Her research
interests include cultural and corporal practices (with a focus on
dance and music), nationalism, migration and diaspora. She is
currently taking part of an AHRC Project on transnational networks
of artists between Europe and Africa.
Contact: marie.gibert@soton.ac.uk
Erin O'Connor, a Ph.D. candidate at
the New School for Social Research in New York City, will defend her
dissertation, "The Matter of Culture: An Ethnography of Embodied
Knowledge in Glassblowing" in May 2008. Committed to theorizing from
the body rather than of the body, she conducts in situ ethnographic
research in the fields of knowledge, culture, and the arts. Drawing
from her four years of fieldwork in a glassblowing studio, she has
published on the modalities of embodied knowledge, relations of
maker, tools and material, the significance of matter in language
and social worlds, and imagination in Ethnography and Qualitative
Sociology, as well as in the edited volumes, Embodying Sociology:
Retrospect, Progress, and Prospects (2007) and Practicing Culture
(2007). She also works as a qualitative researcher for a National
Science Foundation study of interdisciplinary work among young
scientists and is planning her next research project: an ethnography
of the invisible, which will investigate processes of perception,
specifically how the visible is implicated in the invisible, in both
art and everyday life.
Contact: eeo@mac.com