Qualitative Sociology Review
2005 Volume I Issue 2
Barry Gibson
(PhD) is a Lecturer in Medical Sociology at the Department of Oral Health and
Development at the University of Sheffield. He has published articles in
Sociology of Health and Illness, Social Science and Medicine and various dental
Journals such as Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology and The Journal of
Disability and Oral Health amongst others. He has a deep interest in classic
grounded theory, social systems theory and research methodology. He is
currently involved in studying the codification of quality of life and the new
sociology of childhood in relation to children's 'voices' in the discipline of
Contact: b.j.gibson@sheffield.ac.uk
Jane Gregory
(PhD) is a Research Fellow in the Department of Public Health Medicine at Guy's
King's and St Thomas' Medical School, Kings College, London. She has published
in Social Science and Medicine and her work currently involves studying the
phenomenology of chronic illness associated with forms of ethnicity.
Contact: jane.gregory@kcl.ac.uk
Peter G Robinson
(PhD) is a Professor in Dental Public Health and Head of Department at the
Department of Oral Health and Development University of Sheffield. He has
published widely in clinical dentistry and dental public health. His areas of
research include the evaluation of dental care using randomised controlled
trials and systematic reviews, the use of oral health related quality of life
data, response shift and professional and workforce related changes in
Contact: peter.g.robinson@sheffield.ac.uk
Pirkkoliisa Ahponen
(PhD) is a professor of Social Policy at the University of Joensuu, Finland.
She is specialised in way of life -studies, cultural policy and social theory,
dealing currently with problems of politics of culture, cultural and social
border-crossings and interpretations on how the relation between membership and
otherness is reflexively constructed. She participates in the work of ISA,
being an active member of Alienation Theory and Research-group. Recently she
has discussed the liminal situation of migrants between alienation
identification as based on their autobiographies.
Contact: Pirkkoliisa.Ahponen@joensuu.fi
Tim J. Berard
(PhD) is an Assistant Professor of Justice Studies at Kent State University,
Ohio, USA. He has published on issues and figures in social theory with
journals including Theory, Culture & Society, Philosophy of the Social
Sciences, Human Studies, and Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. His
current work involves a critical reconsideration of 'labeling' practices and
labeling theory in the sociology of deviance and the philosophy of the social
sciences, and he is continuing a study of the relations between social
practices and social structures with reference to discrimination disputes as
socio-linguistic, socio-legal, and social-structural phenomena.
Contact: tjberard@alumni.reed.edu
Constantinos N Phellas
(PhD) is currently an associate professor in the School of Humanities at
Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus. His research interests include sexualities,
HIV/AIDS, public health and health promotion and education and the construction
of sexual and cultural identities among ethnic minority communities. His
publications focus on the intersection of gender and ethnicity and on the use
of qualitative and quantitative methods in researching sexualities. He is also
the director of a Research Unit in Behaviour and Social Issues (RUBSI) - an NGO
based at Intercollege. The unit is currently involved in two research projects
funded by the Cypriot Government on HIV/AIDS and the social aspects of diabetes
in Cyprus and one project on gender discrimination funded by EU.
Contact: phellas.c@intercollege.ac.cy