Qualitative Sociology Review
Volume V Issue 1
Robert Prus
, a professor of sociology at the University of Waterloo, is a symbolic interactionist, pragmatist ethnographer, and social theorist. Stressing the importance of connecting social theory with the study of human action in direct, experientially-engaged terms, he has written extensively on the ways that people make sense of and deal with the life-worlds in which they find themselves. His publications include Road Hustler with C.R.D. Sharper; Hookers, Rounders, and Desk Clerks with Styllianoss Irini; Making Sales; Pursuing Customers; Symbolic Interaction and Ethnographic Research; Subcultural Mosaics and Intersubjective Realities; Beyond the Power Mystique; and The Deviant Mystique with Scott Grills. Working as an ethnohistorian and theorist, Robert Prus has been tracing the developmental flows of pragmatist thought from the classical Greek era (c700-300BCE) to the present time. This transhistorical venture has taken him into a number of areas of western social thought -- including rhetoric, poetics, religious studies, history, education, politics, and philosophy.
Contact: prus@uwaterloo.ca
Enrico Mora Malo
is a professor of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). His major research areas are: relation between subjectivities, emotions, social classes and gender; collective action; care and cure; body; qualitative sociology (discourse analysis).
Contact: enrico.mora@uab.es
Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson
is a sociologist based in the Qualitative Research Unit, within the School of Sport & Health Sciences at the University of Exeter. Employing primarily a symbolic interactionist perspective, she has published widely on identity and identity work in relation to a range of social groups, from doctoral students to graduate administrators in higher education, and more recently, victims of intimate partner abuse. Working as a social phenomenologist, she is also interested in lived-body experiences, particularly in relation to narratives of sporting embodiment, and the role of the senses.
Contact: J.Allencollinson@exeter.ac.uk
Erin E. Robinson
is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Canisius College in Buffalo, New York. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology at the University at Buffalo where she researched social movement mobilization patterns in communities facing environmental hazards. Her research has involved ethnographic field methods and the use of frame analysis as both a research tool and mode of analysis in social movement research. Her primary research interests are community mobilization, grassroots networking and collaboration, environmental sociology, and social construction of risk. Currently, she is studying semiotics and the transformation of meaning in urban space surrounding the development of community gardens.
Contact: robinso5@canisius.edu
Henrik Loodin
is a doctoral candidate at the Department of Sociology, Lund University, Sweden. His main research areas of interest include medical sociology and its subdiscipline sociology of mental disorders. He is also interested in narrative methods, autobiographical research and migration. In his current research, he seeks to understand the social processes and exclusionary mechanisms involved when receiving the psychiatric diagnosis posttraumatic stress disorder. Henrik is a member of the Swedish Sociological Association executive board and connected to the Vårdal Institute.
Contact: Henrik.Loodin@soc.lu.se
Chaim Noy
received his PhD in Psychology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. He is presently teaching at the Sapir College, Israel. His main fields of interest include performance studies and everyday life, language and discourse, semiotics, mobility, masculinity, tourism, and qualitative and experimental research methods. His recent books include Narrative Community: Voices of Israeli Backpackers (Wayne State University Press, 2006), and Israeli Backpackers: From Tourism to a Rite of Passage (co-edited with Erik Cohen, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 2005).
Contact: chaimnoy@yahoo.com
Karla B. Hackstaff
(Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor of sociology at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. Her research and teaching are in the areas of family relations, race-gender-class, social psychology, and qualitative methods. She is author of the book Marriage in a Culture of Divorce (Temple, 1999), continues research on family history, and is currently working on the meanings of age, illness, and injury in family relations.
Contact: Karla.Hackstaff@nau.edu
Rajib Lochan Dhar
(professor) is working as Senior Research Analyst with Pure Information Technology Pvt. Ltd. He is also a visiting faculty with Symbiosis Institute of International Business, Symbiosis International University, Pune, India. His area of expertise lies in Research Methodology, Cross cultural conflicts, Organizational Behavior and International HRM.
Contact: rajiblochandhar2000@gmail.com