Qualitative Sociology Review
2005 Volume I Issue 1
Tim J. Berard
(Ph.D) is an Assistant Professor of Justice Studies at Kent State University, Ohio, USA. He has published on issues and figures in social theory with journals including Theory, Culture & Society, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Human Studies, and Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. His current work involves a critical reconsideration of 'labeling' practices and labeling theory in the sociology of deviance and the philosophy of the social sciences, and he is continuing a study of the relations between social practices and social structures with reference to discrimination disputes as socio-linguistic, socio-legal, and social-structural phenomena.
Contact: tjberard@alumni.reed.edu
Katarzyna Kosmala
(Ph.D) is a lecturer at School of Management and Languages, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Her research interests encompass critical and interpretative approaches in analyzing professionalization processes, construction of professional identity and competence (socialization, ways of learning and working in professional firms); critical organizational theory; issues of identity and contemporary culture, including visual culture; art, ethics and aesthetics and organizational interface; professions under transition in the socio-economic and cultural context of emerging democracies.
Contact: K.Kosmala@hw.ac.uk
Andrew J. Bell
(Ph.D. Student) is based at the University of Edinburgh. He is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and Care for the Family as part of the 'CASE studentship' funding scheme. His topic of thesis is "Staying Together: An Exploration of Longer Term Married Relationships". He is in his first year. He has previously attended the University of Edinburgh as an undergraduate, undertaken a research training Masters degree and has worked in the voluntary sector.
Contact: a.j.bell@sms.ed.ac.uk
Krzysztof T. Konecki
(Professor of Sociology), chair of Organizational and Management Sociology Department, Lodz University, Poland. His major research areas are: qualitative sociology, grounded theory, symbolic interactionism, sociology of management and organization, sociology of work, organizational symbolism, Japanese culture and management, human - non-human-animals relationships.
Contact: konecki@uni.lodz.pl