Monday, February 3, 2025 POLISH VERSION
"We must put ourselves in the position of the subject who tries to find his way in this world, and we must remember, first of all, that the environment by which he is influenced and to which he adapts himself is his world, not the objective world of science."

W.I. Thomas
F. Znaniecki

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

 Information for the Authors

We invite papers from all sociologists for whom the interpretative paradigm and qualitative research methodology in the social sciences provide a perspective for learning about, and reflecting on, the social world. We offer a forum for unfettered expression of theoretical, empirical, and methodological works relating to all fields and areas of interest in sociology.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education awards 70 points for a publication in Qualitative Sociology Review (as of December 2021). The journal is indexed in Scopus, among others.


 Regulations for publishing works in Qualitative Sociology Review

            I. General Information

  1. The Editors welcome theoretical, empirical, and methodological papers relating to any field or area of interest in qualitative sociology, previously unpublished and not submitted for publication in another journal.
  2. Please submit the papers to the Editor's email address: The papers should be submitted anonymously, with a separate page including the Author(s) name, affiliation, ORCID number, source of funding for the manuscript (e.g. grant), institutional mailing address with e-mail address, and a brief note (approximately 300 characters including spaces), indicating the author(s) degree (title), current position, and research interests.
  3. The paper should be max 1 publication sheets in length (40000 typographic characters with spaces).
  4. Works should be submitted in text formats with the following extensions: .doc, .docx, rtf. Illustrations, graphics, photographs, or other images included in the text should be sent as separate files (JPEG, TIF, GIF, BMP) labeled and assigned with numbers to specific locations in the text.
  5. The paper should be accompanied by the signed version of the Declaration of the Author [download]. By signing it, the Author declares that the paper is their own work and that they have full rights to the paper, and that it had not been published anywhere or sent for publication in another journal. The declaration also includes a brief representation of each Author's contribution to the paper, in accordance with the recommendation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education to prevent ghostwriting and guest authorship practices. The signed declaration should be sent to the Editor's address:

    Editorial Office of Qualitative Sociology Review
    Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny,
    Instytut Socjologii, Katedra Socjologii Organizacji i Zarządzania
    ul. Rewolucji 1905 r. nr 41/43, 90-214 Łódź,

    or its scan should be sent to the e-mail address:

  6.         II. Structure of the work

  7. The papers should include:
    1. a title page that includes the Author(s); the remainder of the paper should be free of any data that might indicate the identity of the Author(s);
    2. a short and clear title in Polish and in English;
    3. an abstract with keywords (3-5) in Polish and in English;
    4. an introduction including the main thesis, the problem to be solved, and the research question;
    5. theoretical inspirations with an indication of their connection to the posed problem;
    6. the methodological part, including a description of the applied techniques and methods, and the characteristics of the analyzed data;
    7. discussion and an interpretation of the results or the main theoretical argument;
    8. concluding remarks (findings).
  8. The abstract should be concise and not exceed 150 words. It should not repeat or paraphrase the title. It should not include definitions or citations. It should include a brief statement of the main theses of the text: the problem, the research questions, the techniques and methods used, the type of data, the main results and conclusions.
  9. If the Author(s) would like to express gratitude to those who contributed to the final version of the paper, they can do so in the short Acknowledgements section provided before References.

            III. Sample bibliography

  10. Any citations in the body of the text should follow the following rules:
    1. If the author's name appears in the text, it should be followed by the year of publication in parentheses, e.g. "[...] Znaniecki (1934)";
    2. if the author's name is not included in the text, please put it at the end of the sentence in parentheses along with the date of publication, with a comma between the name and the date, e.g. "[...] (Blumer, 1969)";
    3. the indication of the specific page cited should be in parentheses after the year of publication, separated by a colon, e.g., "[...] (Goffman, 1959: 44)"; please include page numbers only after quoting the author's words;
    4. when citing a source cited in another source, first put the author's name in parentheses along with the publication date and page number where the cited information was originally included, and then indicate the source cited, e.g., "[...] (Mead, 1934: 78 as cited in Prus, 1997: 39)". In the bibliography, indicate only the source that was accessed;
    5. when citing several authors, separate the information, arranged in chronological order, with a semicolon, e.g. "[...] (Becker, 1967; Geer, 1970; Turner, 1981)";
    6. when there are more than three authors, only the first name and the abbreviation "et al." should be given, e.g. (Smith et al., 2002);
    7. when referring several times to the publication of the same author, always give the name and year of publication;
    8. if the date of publication is missing, in place of the year of publication, write "n.d.", e.g. "(Kowalski, n.d.)";
    9. in principle, bibliography should include published works, but if it is necessary to refer to an unpublished source, it should be properly described:
      • - for papers submitted and accepted for publication, the author's name is followed by "in print", e.g. "(Smith, in print)".
      • - for unpublished but recorded works, information on the technique of the work is also provided after a year, e.g. "(Iwanami, 2003, computer description)";
    10. when citing several works by the same author published in the same year, they should be distinguished by adding consecutive letters of the alphabet (without spaces) to the year of publication, e.g. "(Nowak, 1998a)", and elsewhere "(Nowak, 1998b)";
  11. 2. All publications cited by the Author of the paper should be included in References at the end of the paper, arranged in alphabetical order. The first element of the description should be the Author's last name, followed by the first name (not separated by a comma), the year of publication in parentheses (with a comma after parenthesis), the title of the work in italics, then after a comma – the place of publication, and then after a colon – the name of the publisher:

    Goffman Erving (1974), Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organisation of Experience, New York: Harper and Row.

    Glaser Barney, Strauss Anselm L. (1967), The Discovery of Grounded Theory, Chicago: Aldine

    1. to list two or more publications by the same Author(s) from the same year, distinguished by letters after the date of publication, place their titles in alphabetical order
    2. when citing a collective work in the text, the first element of the bibliographic description is the name of the editor:

      Rose Arnold (ed.) (1962), Human Behaviour and Social Processes, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

    3. a bibliographic description of a chapter in a collective work takes the following form:

      Blumer Herbert (1984), Społeczeństwo jako symboliczna interakcja, [in:] Edmund Mokrzycki (ed.), Kryzys i schizma. Antyscjentystyczne tendencje w socjologii współczesnej, Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, pp. 71-87.

    4. the first element of a bibliographic description of a collective work that does not include the name of an editor or anonymous work is the title;
    5. information about the translator is given in a similar way as in the case of the editor:

      Goffman Erving (2006), Rytuał interakcyjny, translated by Alina Szulżycka, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

    6. the bibliographic description of a journal paper takes the following form:

      Blumer Herbert (1967), Reply to Woelfel, Stone and Farberman. "American Journal of Sociology", vol. 72, pp. 411-412.

      Greenberg Daniel S. (1991), Soft' Sciences Grow Up. "The Washington Post", November 13, p. A19.

      Charmaz Kathy (2017), The power of grounded theory for critical inquiry, "Qualitative Inquiry", vol. 23(1), pp. 34-45,

    7. the description of the electronic document should include the date of access, source of the document, media type, version, e.g:

      Jedlikowska Dorota (2021), Modele aksjonormatywne w systemie nauki w Polsce. Socjologiczna perspektywa anomii, "Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej", vol. XVII, issue 2, pp. 26–43. DOI: ( [accessed: day.month.year].

      Encyklopedia Omnia (2001), version 2.0, Warszawa: De Agostini [CD-ROM].

    8. The description of unpublished work takes the following forms:

      Garfinkel Harold (1952), The perception of the other: A study in social order, unpublished doctoral dissertation, [typescript], Harvard University, Boston.

      Glaser Barney (2005), The World-Wide Adoption of Grounded Theory, paper presented at the 37th IIS World Congress, July 6, Stockholm, Sweden.

      Banaszak Ewa, Czajkowski Paweł, Florkowski Robert (eds.),Fenomeny kontroli ciała, Warsaw: Difin [forthcoming].

  12. in the absence of information on the place of publication or printing in the publication described, it should be abbreviated "n.p.” (no place)
  13. Items that the Author has included in the list of references but does not cite in the body of the paper will be removed.
  14. To ensure double anonymity of the reviewing process, references to the Author's own publications in the peer-reviewed copy should be marked as (Author: 12), and the Author's entries removed from the bibliography. Texts that do not meet the above conditions will not be accepted and reviewed.
  15. Longer quotes should be typed in a smaller font, separated at the top and bottom by a space, indented to the left edge of the column, and without quotation marks, e.g.:

    According to F. Znaniecki (1988, p.25):

    This feature of cultural phenomena or subjects of humanistic investigation, their fundamental feature that as objects of theoretical reflection they are already objects given to someone in experience, or someone's conscious actions, we can call the humanistic coefficient of these phenomena. A myth, a work of art, an expression of speech, a tool, a legal scheme, a social system are what they are, only as conscious human phenomena.

  16. Foreign words in the text should be italicized unless they are common words, such as per se, ad hoc.
  17. Please do not use abbreviations such as: etc., e.g., i.e. However, you may include them along with the information in parentheses:

    "For example, terms used in specialized areas of sociology are not fully understood by general sociologists (e.g. cultural capital)."

  18. Use footnotes to clarify or expand the text, or add hard-to-find citations or information about a figure/chart.
  19. Please prepare your papers carefully. Grammatical and spelling errors, and a bibliography that does not meet the stated requirements are grounds for rejection of the paper.
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© Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 2005 - 2023
ISSN 1733-8069, e-ISSN 1733-8069